The Staxel Reporter – Issue #7



Staxel Reporter – Issue #7

Hey everyone, this issue of the Staxel Reporter shows off some of our building systems and talks about some of us going to GDC!



Building Systems

In Staxel we want the building experience to be as intuitive as possible. We’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how we can achieve this and we’ve come up with a few ideas.

This article will be focusing on just some of the many building systems we either have, or have planned. Remember that these systems are still being developed and they could possibly change.



Staxel has special ‘Floor Blocks’ which behave differently from regular blocks. Instead of having to break all your floor blocks to replace it with a different style, you can simply ‘replace’ a floor block with another.

When holding a floor block, look at an already placed floor block and click. This will replace the floor block with the one you’re holding.


Walling is one of the main parts of building your house. By placing the blocks they’ll automatically stack and generate inner and outer corners and borders to give it an extra bit of detail.

Walls will come in a variety of styles depending on the materials used to craft them. You can build an old style village home or maybe something more modern!



The fencing will behave as you’d imagine it to. Placing fences adjacently will make them snap together. You won’t need additional connecting pieces or corner pieces as they will connect automatically.


The roofing autotiling system is simple. When roof tiles are placed close to each other they will automatically connect. This system makes it very easy to achieve great results for your roofs.

That about wraps up this quick look at some of our planned building systems (aside from the flooring  system, that’s in already).

If you have any suggestions for making building easier, or just for Staxel in general, feel free to post them in the suggestions section on our forums! We frequently read what’s posted there and would love to hear your ideas.




We’re pleased to announce that some of our team will be heading over to San Francisco for the upcoming GDC! This GDC will be from March 14th to March 18th.

We won’t be exhibiting this time, but we’re going to be very social. We’re looking forward to catching up with our fans and other game devs.

We all had a fantastic time at our last convention and are sure GDC will be just as fun. We’re even bringing along some Staxel stickers to give out, so if you see any of us please make sure to come and say hello!

Throughout GDC we will be updating our twitter frequently with where we are, what we’re doing, and where we’re going so if you’re wanting to catch us make sure to keep an eye on it.



Well, that’s it for this issue of the Staxel Reporter. Remember, you can grab ‘Staxel – Seedling Edition’ at

Thanks for reading!




Changelist – 19/02/2016

An update has just been pushed for Staxel! Here is the list of changes:

  • Added missing bow to razz hair
  • Fix a number of directx shader issues
  • Many AssetManager improvements
  • Speedup startup of game slightly
  • Fix superlow fov bug
  • Fix lod frustum culling problems making for a very limited lod.
  • Enhanced autotiling
  • Added wip flooring system.
  • Fixed memory leak where the client would never unload chunks that it walked through.
  • Added Razz’s 11 item pastel furniture set

This changelist and previous changelists can be viewed on our wiki at, make sure to check it out if you’re interested.


The Staxel Reporter – Issue #6



Staxel Reporter – Issue #6

Hey all! This issue of the Staxel Reporter focuses on the modding side of Staxel.


Since the beginning stages of development, modding has always been an important part of Staxel. We really wanted to make it as easy and accessible as possible for everyone so that creating a mod and getting it into the game would be just as easy for people with no experience as it is for people who have been modding games for years.

After the release of Seedling Edition earlier this year we can already tell that it’s going in the right direction and we’ve seen some amazing custom content from you all. From stylish hairstyles to flowing river tiles, new clothing styles and even an impressive new playable species, people everywhere have been letting their creativity flow and it has been so exciting to see everything that you’re coming up with.


If you still haven’t given it a try then there’s nothing to be afraid of, it’s super easy to get started. We have our own modding guide which will give you a nice understanding of the basic modding techniques. You can also have a read through the Modding wiki at This wiki can be edited by anyone so it’s a good place to start if you’re looking for the most up-to-date information.

Lastly, why not head over to the forums where you can find some tips and guides in the Modding section, you can also take a look at some of the fantastic mods that the forum members have been creating.

Mod Showcase

This week we’ll be showing you the ‘Vocaloid Hair Mod’. This mod was created by community member DeamonHunter (@Deamonhunter11) and adds 24 new hairstyles to the game!

Each hairstyle is very well crafted, and for those of you interested in how they’re made or perhaps want to make your own but not sure how to, the creator of this mod uploaded a video of them creating one of the hairstyles. You can check the video out here.

Here are a few of my favourite hairstyles from this mod:



You can download the mod from this forum thread. All the information on installing the mod is described in the original post so you shouldn’t have any problems setting it up.

DeamonHunter is one of many awesome modders in our community. If you want to get more involved with the Staxel community you should check out our forums! If you do sign up, don’t forget to introduce yourself in the welcome section!

Well, that’s it for this issue of the Staxel Reporter. Remember, you can grab ‘Staxel – Seedling Edition’ at

Thanks for reading!



The Staxel Reporter – Issue #5


Staxel Reporter – Issue #5


Hey all! In this issue of the Staxel Reporter we announce some exciting news and give you a little insight into our plans for Staxel’s flowers.

Introducing A New Team Member


Let’s start with some great news, the Staxel team has just gained a new member! More specifically, we’ve brought in an additional artist.

She’s currently working closely with SteampunkStein and they’re coming up with all sorts of exciting new things to add to the game. So, without further ado, here’s RazzleberryFox!

“Hi! I’m Razz… I am a 3D Modeller and digital artist. I have been making 3D models for a few years now.

I started in University and never stopped. I made models and art mostly for Minecraft, I worked closely with quite a few mod makers, also made a mod of my own, Decocraft, and decided that video games were more than a hobby to me, they were my passion and I have been working toward making games look pretty ever since!


When I heard the Staxel team was looking for a new member and considered me I was super excited, and now I can finally get to doing something I love and sharing it with all of you!

So feel free to follow me on twitter @razzleberryfox and talk to me! I will try my very best to work with SteampunkStein and the rest of the crew to make Staxel as beautiful as we can!”



SteampunkStein is currently doing a lot of work on the flower models and on implementing growth stages, so I thought this would be a good time to give you some insight into our plans for flowers in Staxel.

Flowers work differently to crops in a few ways. Firstly, flowers won’t wilt if you forget to water them, this will make it a lot easier to create your stunning garden without having to think about the upkeep of all the plants in it.


Secondly, colours play a more important role when it comes to harvesting seeds. At first, flowers will only be available in their standard colours but eventually you’ll be able to grow flowers using a wide spectrum of colours and combinations.

Staxel’s extensive collection of flora is designed to give you endless possibilities when creating your gardens, but you’ll be happy to know that they all follow the same growth pattern. To keep things simple all you really need to do is plant the seeds and then water them until they’re fully grown.

I haven’t mentioned everything to do with the features we’re thinking of but I hope this gives you all a better idea of how this system is going to work.

Well, that’s it for this issue of the Staxel Reporter. Remember, you can grab ‘Staxel – Seedling Edition’ at

Thanks for reading!




Modding Guide

Hey everyone,

We’ve just pushed an update that got our Asset Manager into a working state so I figured this would be a good time to make a guide for basic modding. We want people to really take advantage of the possibilities that modding opens up, and this means getting your own items and reskins into the game should be as simple and straightforward as possible.

First off, you’ll be happy to know that mods in multiplayer only need to be installed on the host’s server, if you want to join a modded server you don’t have to install any of the mods yourself! Secondly, before we begin it’s worth noting that you will need to reinstall your mod after any updates as the “mods” folder will be cleared, so make sure to keep backups of any content you create or download. And lastly, at the moment, any modded installation will be considered as failing validation so don’t panic, you haven’t done anything wrong!

Okay, let’s get started.

Making the voxel model

The first thing you’ll need to do is get yourself a voxel editor. Our artist, SteampunkStein, uses Qubicle ( but MagicaVoxel ( is a good free alternative. We’ve also heard some great things about VoxelShop ( from our modders. Basically any editor of your choice that can export to .qb format. Our wiki is going to be updated with more info regarding different voxel editors and the differences between them soon.

Quick note regarding “layer names”. If you’re modding heads, clothing or character items the layer names have to be correct. As we’re just making a simple object you can place in the world we don’t need to worry about that.  Like I mentioned before, our wiki will be updated with more information regarding this soon, but one thing you should make note of is that MagicaVoxel doesn’t support multiple layer names.

Now it’s time to start making the items you want. There are no colour restrictions, but it’s best if you try and stick to multiples of 16x16x16 grids. For example if you want to make your item taller than one block, you’d use 16x16x32, longer than one block would be 32x16x16 etc.

When you’re finished designing your model you’ll need to save it to the mods folder as a .qb file. The default path to the mods folder is “%localappdata%/Local/staxel.launcher/gamedata/content/mods” and while not completely necessary, it would be a good idea to make a new folder for each modpack you create to avoid any confusion later on.


Now that you have your .qb model you’ll need to generate a .tile file to accompany it in your mod folder.

There a two ways to generate .tile files.  Firstly, you could write one yourself in your favourite text editor, (which is what we’ll be doing in the first example) we’ll call this “Method A”. Secondly, you could use Staxel’s Asset Manager (we’ll call this “Method B”). This option will make the process a lot easier for players who don’t have much experience with modding. If you are still struggling to get your mod into the game after trying both of these options then you should have a look at the “modding wiki”. This wiki can be edited by anyone so, although there isn’t much info on there at the moment, it will be a constantly growing article with the latest relevant information available.

Method A – Writing a .tile in a text editor

Okay so, the easiest way to start writing your own .tile file would be to have a look at the .tiles already available for Staxel’s own assets. You can find them in “%localappdata%/Local/Staxel.Launcher/gamedata/content/staxel”. Try to find an asset that behaves similarly to the way you want your item to be used in the game. We’re making a mushroom so we’ll use a flower .tile (in this instance “Allium_blue_1” which can be found in /content/staxel/plant/flowers/ Allium_blue_1.tile).

Start off by making a copy of the .tile and pasting it into the mod folder that contains your .qb file. Now open it up in notepad (or the text editor of your choice) and you should see something like this:


It might look confusing at first but it’s actually pretty easy. For a simple item the only properties you need to change are the following:

“code” is the I.D of the asset, you can change this to anything you want but it’s encouraged that you use “mods.” as the prefix for your mod assets to avoid any filename conflicts with Staxel’s own assets.  It’s good practice to always make your asset code reference it’s directory as well. For example our mod has the path “mods/testmod/LargePinkMushroom”, so we will give this mod the asset code “mods.testmod.LargePinkMushroom”

“voxels” is the file location (within the “content” folder) of the .qb model that you want to associate with this .tile file. You’ll need to change this to point to your own .qb so we’ll change it to “%localappdata%/Local/Staxel.Launcher/gamedata/content/mods/testmod/LargePinkMushroom.qb”

“categories” are the keywords that the in-game inventory’s search function will use to filter items from the catalogue, pick some words that describe your item’s design and replace the ones here with those. Since we’re making a pink mushroom we’ll use the tags “mushroom”, “toadstool”, and “pink”.

Now save the .tile file with the name that matches the .qb file.

At this point you should now have the two files you need in your mod folder and you’re ready to get them into the game. For this last step you’ll need to use Staxel’s Content Builder (default location is “%localappdata%\Local\Staxel.Launcher\gamedata\bin\Staxel.ContentBuilder.exe”). All you need to do is start the program, click “Validate Resources” and if you’re putting them on a server click “Upload to server”. This will also create a cache file for the asset in your mod’s folder (this step applies to installing 3rd party mods as well after placing them in the “mods” folder).

And that’s it! Your first Staxel mod should now be available in the game so all that’s left to do now is go and try it out!

Method B – Generating a .tile with the Asset Manager

The Asset Manager does what it says on the box. You can use it as an interface to see the locations and configurations of all the assets in Staxel. For this tutorial though we’ll just be covering a simple way to get your items working in the game, a more in-depth guide will be available at a later date so again, keep an eye on the modding wiki at

Firstly, you’ll need to open the Asset Manager (default location is “%localappdata%/Local/staxel.launcher/gamedata/bin/Staxel.AssetManager.exe”)

In the Asset Manager‘s main window you would open the “View” menu, and depending on the type of asset you’ve created, select the appropriate option. We’ll be using the “Tile Assets” type in this example. Choosing this will open a list showing all of Staxel’s assets of the “Tile Assets” type. So right now, at the top of this new window (below the menu) we have a drop-down list with different kinds of Tile Assets. We’ll select “Flowers” as they’re the most similar to the mushroom we’ll be modding in.

You can use this opportunity to have a look at the properties for all the flowers in the game, but for now we’ll just pick one to clone the configuration from that will be used to generate the new .tile file for your asset.

Once you’ve chosen one you’ll need to clone it by clicking “asset->add->clone asset” and then in the box that opens up we’ll change the settings to what we need for our own .tile file.

“Asset code” is the I.D of the asset, you can change this to anything you want but it’s encouraged that you use “mods.” as the prefix for your mod assets to avoid any filename conflicts with Staxel’s own assets.  It’s good practice to always make your asset code reference it’s directory. For example our mod has the path “mods/testmod/LargePinkMushroom”, so we will give this mod the asset code “mods.testmod.LargePinkMushroom”

“Asset path” is where the new generated .tile file will be saved. You need to change this to the same folder as your .qb file and then add the new name of the .tile (it should be the same as the name of your .qb file). For the example we’ll change this field to “%localappdata%/Local/Staxel.Launcher/gamedata/content/mods/testmod/LargePinkMushroom.tile”

“Kind” We’ll leave this as “Flower”.

And with all the information replaced we’ll click “Ok”

Now we can take a look at our new asset which will be in the list of flowers. When you find it, click on it and you’ll see the configuration displayed on the right. Here you can edit all the information about the object you’re working on. Each parameter is pretty self explanatory. Now, we’re nearly done, we just need to tell it what .qb model to use so scroll down the config list until you find “Voxels” and then click on the filepath to change it to the .qb file in your mod’s folder. We’ll be using “mods/testmod/LargePinkMushroom.qb”.


The next step is to save the asset in the main window’s menu by selecting it from the list of flowers, and in the menu clicking Asset>Save>Asset. Finally we just need to build the asset, on the main menu click File>All Assets>Build and Validate assets.

Congratulations, our mod should now be in the game! That’s how to add a custom item using the Asset Manager.


The mod files we created for this tutorial can be downloaded here:

That about wraps it up. Remember to check out the still growing modding wiki for more information on modding. If you have any questions or need any help feel free to post on our forums, or join us in our IRC channel.

Thanks for reading, now get out there and make some awesome mods!


Staxel Seedling Edition is out!

The moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here, we’re live with our first publicly available build, affectionately dubbed the “Seedling Edition”!

Now let me take a moment to give you a clear idea of what you can expect from the Seedling Edition. It’s essentially a ‘Creative Mode’ building experience, there’s a nice variety of blocks and items to make use of and an unlimited open world to put them in. The Seedling Edition will give you an idea of our game’s visual style, and let you get to get a bit more hands-on by trying out the building mechanics we have in place so far.

You will also be able to do a little bit of modding. We’ve made it very easy to mod in your own content, so if we’re missing a hairstyle you’d like to use you can just add it yourself!


Speaking of hairstyles, you have the option to customise your character with a range of available hairstyles and clothing. This is going to be a huge feature for Staxel and the items available to you right now are only a sneak peek at what stylish attire you can expect in the future!

Right now the game is exclusively available at the store page here on for just $5.  Buy today and when the finished game arrives on Steam you’ll receive a steam key too!

That’s all folks, hope you have a blast with Staxel’s Seedling Edition!

The Staxel Reporter – Issue #4


Staxel Reporter – Issue #4


Hey all! This issue of the Staxel Reporter only has one article, a pretty exciting announcement!


Staxel ‘Seedling Edition’


We have a big surprise for all of you, tomorrow Staxel’s “Seedling Edition” is going to be available to purchase! What’s in the ‘Seedling Edition’?

Now I need to make it very clear, the ‘Seedling Edition’ is a very early look at Staxel. The gameplay we have envisioned for Staxel isn’t there yet!

What is there, however, is ‘creative mode’ building. In this mode, you’ll have unlimited access to a huge variety of blocks, furniture, and objects.

You’ll also be able to get a feel for Staxel’s visuals and atmosphere and maybe get an idea of what kind of game we’re envisioning.

How much is it going to cost?

We’re putting the Seedling Edition up for $5. We feel like this a good price as it rewards players for getting involved so early. Whoever purchases the Seedling Edition will also get a steam key of the full version of Staxel once it’s complete.

Seedling Edition will be updated while we are building towards the full version of Staxel.

Where can I buy it?

The ‘Seedling Edition’ will only be available on our official website, so make sure to keep an eye on it!


Well, that’s it for this issue of the Staxel Reporter! Thanks for reading!


Quick update

Hey all, we just wanted to give you a general update on what’s going on over here at Staxel.

We’ve been a little quiet since around mid December owing to the holiday season. We decided to take a couple of weeks off and now that everyone is nice and rested up we’re getting up to speed again. Good thing too, now that we’re all under a big crunch getting Staxel ready for the January early-alpha build we’ll be putting up!

Damon and I are currently working on a video which will give you all a little idea of what you’ll be able to do and create in the upcoming January version.  We’ll be pretty loud about it once it’s out so as long as you’re following us on twitter, the forums, or facebook you shouldn’t miss it!


Finally, we here at Staxel would just like to take the opportunity to wish each and every one of our followers the best for the new year! This is going to be an very exciting time for us and we couldn’t do it without your support.

Thanks everyone!

– Liam

The Staxel Reporter – Issue #3

Staxel Reporter – Issue #3

Hey all! In this issue of the Staxel reporter we announce something really cool, and I did a pretty slick interview with Staxel’s musician, Curtis Schweitzer.

Staxel Pre-alpha

Okay so, we’ve got some pretty big news for you all today!

We’re planning on releasing a super early version of Staxel for you to try your hands at. In January 2016 (as long as all goes to plan) you will be able to purchase Staxel pre-alpha from our site

Now, I should emphasize that at this early stage functionality will be very limited. This is a way for you all to get an early look into Staxel, the visual experience, a little taste of the creative potential that will be available to you upon full release. You will be able to build with all the assets we currently have in game. Host a server for you and your friends to play around on, or just have a wander around on your own! Just keep in mind that the actual gameplay isn’t there yet.


This will also give us a chance to get some feedback and suggestions from the community while we continue developing.

I should probably mention that this build is going to be a lot cheaper than the price planned for release, and on top of that if you purchase at this point, you will also get your copy of the full version for PC when it’s out!

So stay tuned for more news on this. As long as you’re following us on any of the social media platforms we’re on you won’t miss it.

Interview with Curtis Schweitzer

This quick interview is with Curtis Schweitzer, the man in charge of creating Staxel’s awesome music.

Q: Let’s start with a technical question, what kind of software or tools do you use to create your music?

A: My primary DAW (digital audio workstation) is Apple’s Logic Pro X. All of our instruments are digital samples— for Staxel I’m also relying on some really great software synthesizers. Most of the synths in the Volume 0 OST are from u-he’s Dark Zebra synthesizer, with patches from The Unfinished’s beautiful Kronos, Serenity, and Humankind patch libraries. The piano samples are from East West’s gorgeous QL Pianos library, and all of it is hosted in Vienna Ensemble Pro 5, on a sample server from Puget Systems.

Q: Obviously music is incredibly important when setting the atmosphere for any game. What kind of atmosphere are you aiming to set with your music, and how have you approached that goal?

A: Staxel is really laid-back and relaxing, and we’re definitely hyper-aware that music can either help or hurt you get into the game’s intended feel. Everything in the Staxel soundtrack is composed with this in mind— we’re avoiding any sound that could engender feelings of conflict or stress. We really want players to be buoyed along by a score that helps them feel warm, happy, and above all, peaceful.

Q: So you’ve worked on a few other projects, what’s the biggest difference you’ve noticed when creating tracks for Staxel compared to your other soundtracks?

A: One of my big “selling points” as a composer has always been my orchestral work— even though most of my scores are produced from samples, I’m usually trying for as organic a sound as possible, using mostly a standard orchestral palette. Staxel is different in that we’re going for a sound that is a bit more “digital” from the outset. We’re still relying on organic, real instruments (particularly piano), but there’s definitely a lot more emphasis on purely electronic sounds and textures. The voxel-based world of Staxel definitely needs a soundtrack that is aware of its digital roots.

If you want to give Staxel’s music a listen, Curtis has just uploaded ‘Staxel Volume 0’ to Bandcamp, so make sure to check it out here!

Well, that’s it for this issue of the Staxel Reporter! Make sure to subscribe if you want to be the first to get new issues. Thanks for reading!


Staxel’s Soundtrack

Music is key when it comes to setting the perfect atmosphere. Luckily for us, we have Curtis Schweitzer taking care of the music!

Curtis has put a lot of work into getting the music just right. The tracks he’s come up with are crafted for a specific purpose, and they really hit the nail on the head.

I could keep going, but why read about the soundtrack when you could give it a listen? Curtis has just uploaded ‘Staxel – Volume 0′ to Bandcamp, so if you’re curious as to how it sends then be sure to check it out here!

Hope you enjoy!
