Good hair day

Hey all!
It’s been a while since my last update, sorry about that.

I’ve been working on a variety of things, some of them interesting, some boring and a lot of them a secret ;D

But! I wanted to update you all on some of the new character hairstyles, because I’m quite proud of them ๐Ÿ™‚
I’ll be posting more about character customisation soon, I’ll leave you with a sneak peek though!


Thanks for reading



So if you caught my stream this week you’ll know I’ve spent most of the past few days working on tree designs.
I decided to hand pick my favourites and showcase them here in all splendour for all to see.

The crazy shapes and curves were inspired by bonsai trees (If you image search that you’ll see what I mean)
I’d really like to continue on this path making even more unique designs to make the Staxel world look really beautiful. (That is my job after all)


This is a small update as, well, all I can really say is ‘Check out these awesome trees!’

Development Update

Hello all!

Sorry for the lack of updates recently, I’ve been in the process of moving and setting up a new PC so I can spend more time on Staxel.

I’ve started streaming my development for art assets on my twitch channel.

Here’s a little update on some concepts I’m working on and hopefully will be implemented into Staxel soon.

In addition to this, we’ve started work on the gameplay of Staxel and “Adventure” mode which will be the main focus on the game and hopefully we can give you some more details about this new mode soon.

Thanks for reading!

The sky’s the limit (Not really)

So we’ve started work on some aspects of the game, the skybox for one.

I personally love the addition of the skybox, it adds so much atmosphere!
I’ve been playing around with colours and seeing how we could get the best possible ambiance for the staxel world.
I mocked up a little sunrise to show you all, I’m quite pleased with the colours ๐Ÿ™‚


Thanks for reading


More lighting

The lighting system is still in flux but this month a few new features has been added to it like calculating the light separately per side of a tile which gives awesome effects in places where reflected light is prominent ๐Ÿ™‚