The Staxel Reporter – Issue #1


Staxel Reporter - Issue #1

Hey everyone, the first edition of the Staxel Reporter is here! This is our new newsletter designed to keep everyone up to date on Staxel's development.

The Staxel Reporter will always be posted to our blog as well as emailed to everyone who signs up for it. If you like what you see then hit the subscribe button at the bottom of the newsletter.

Stylin' Threads.

SteampunkStein has been showing off some seriously awesome outfit designs lately, but the screenshots he's posted are just scratching the surface!

Your character’s outfit isn't just one piece of gear you throw on, it's made up of a few different parts. That's right, shoes for every occasion! You can mix and match the clothing pieces you obtain throughout the game however you like.

Some clothing items won't ever be found in a store, and you'll have to meet specific requirements to obtain them. For example, you may be find a super cool knight helmet while exploring.

Another important aspect is the diversity of style you'll find. Some clothing is styled to a specific species' taste, so Zombies might use some cool neon colours for their clothing while mole people prefer something a bit more rustic. Not only that, but you'll find clothing ranges from the standard, normal style to the more eccentric, attire. (For example, adorable frog helmet.)

It's important to note the clothing is designed to keep everyone happy, so if you want to dress your character up as a regular farmer with a nice tweed farmer's cap you absolutely can.

Bart has been working on the villagers' AI. We want the villagers to really breathe some life into the game, and we have a lot of ideas on how we can do that. Anyway, it’s all still work in progress but really beginning to shape up, check out a vine of the current path finding below.
Remember, Bart livestreams Staxel development often over at

